Nothing happens until something moves."
- Albert Einstein

While we may be culturally mandated to sit, we are biologically designed to move. When we stand up more and move more – especially throughout the day – we are taking steps to get healthier, more engaged, and more productive.  So, go ahead:  Be an Office Athlete

The real question is less about exercise – and more about simply infusing more movement, aka “NEAT,” into our daily lives. As described by researcher James Levine, “EAT,” or exercise activity thermogenesis refers to any kind of intentional workout – going out for a run, going to the gym, going for a swim.“NEAT,” or non-exercise activity thermogenesis, refers to any kind of incidental movement throughout our day – running errands, doing household chores, or getting up from our desk (hint hint)


It’s the NEAT levels we should be focused on the most. We just need to simply move more – and sit less – throughout the day, especially throughout our workday.
We're sitting way too much.  On average, we’re sitting about 13 hours a day and 86% of us are pretty much sitting all day, every day.  Here’s the problem:  too much sitting may be as little as 3 hours a day!  Within a shockingly short span of time (a couple of hours), our bodies experience changes on a cellular level that put us at much greater risk than when we're moving (or even standing).

Exercise does NOT negate the negative effects of too much sitting.  That’s right – while getting a workout is good, it does NOT offset the effects of too much sitting.  We still need to stay on our feet – and preferably moving – throughout the day.

So, what can you do so that you can move more at work?

Here are ways that you and your team - even if you're virtually connected - can get in motion.